Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

Well I just had five days off from college. Those days were amazing. I only wish that those days would have lasted longer. It was awesome to be home when all of my friends were home. I have not seen my best friend in 3 months and it was amazing to see her. The only bad part was that we really didnt have much to talk about. We are in two completely differenent places and its just hard to talk about things that are happening in two differenent places and you have no idea who the other person is talking about. It is just so weird to even talk about college to each other and there really isnt anything else to talk about, but I dont want to end our friendship because we dont have anything to talk about. It will just take some time to tell what will happen. Then my other friend that I have been reconnecting with has been trying. She had broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years like 6 months ago. He broke up with her and she has not really gotten over it. He went to play basketball at UNC Asheville. So my dad coached him and we get to watch him on the computer. So the other night we were watching him on the computer and then she showed up at our house. She just sat there and said horrible things the whole time and it was just really annoying. And then we had been hanging out alot and we had taken her out saturday night to hang out with some friends. She was there for 30 minutes and wanted to leave already but didnt say anything. So she just sat there miserable for the whole time that we were there. Then she went and put on her facebook the next day that she cant wait to get out of this town and that she is always bored. So it just made me feel like I had been nothing these past few months. So I dont know what is going to come of this, but it is just ridiculous. I am down to two weeks left in the semester at school I cannot wait to be done for a month. It is going to be great to get away and not have to do any homework. I have a month off and it is going to be amazing. I just have to get through finals and one last week of school and I will be done. CANT WAIT!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun night with the BFF

So my best friend decided to spend the weekend with me. LOL! We did not plan this at all. So we knew that we wanted to hang out. So we rented a movie and watched it. It was like 11:30 at night. She was scared to drive home because we watched a scary movie. So I told her that she could just stay at my house. She said alright that sounds like fun. We have not had a sleep over in like 4 years. She was all into her boy friend for like 3 years and he went and dumped her. So she finally realized that our friendship had gone to the wayside. We finally reconnected these past few months. I had really missed her and was glad that we reconnected. So we ended up staying up until like 2:30 in the morning. I was super tired and had to go babysit the next day. Surprisingly I stayed awake the whole day and didnt take a nap when I got home. So then I texted her Saturday night and asked her what she was doing for the night. So of course we got together. I went and rented movies. (Yea we never watched those so 10.00 down the drain) So she walked in the door and I'm like are you going to stay becuase it was already 9:30 at this point. Shes like oh yeah. So sleepover #2 in progress. So we ordered pizza at like 10:30 and enjoyed that. So then we just hung out with my brother and surfed the net for most of the night looking at stupid stuff to make us laugh. So we decided to start a movie at like 1:00 in the morning. Then we started another movie. So we watched most of Taladega Nights (however you spell it). I ended up falling asleep during the movie but I am guessing that it was like 3:30 before I went to bed. I was supposed to go to church the next morning. So I look out the window and it still looked a little dark and not time to get up. So then I fall back asleep. Then my friend gets up and looked at her phone and it was 11:30. Guess I missed church. So I get up and she leaves because she had homework to do. So my parents get home and of course they are mad because we didnt go to church but oh well it was well worth it.

Moms 50th Birthday

So my mom turned 50 this month. Her birthday was on the first of November. We were told if we did anything for her birthday we were dead. So of course we took on the challenge. When my dad turned 50 in March I was still in high school. I knew that I could get away with doing anything I wanted because I was a senior. So we had someone dress up in a gorilla suit and feed him a banana. Then we delivered 50 glasses of tea, 50 cupcakes, and 50 bags of candy to him through out the day. Then when he went out to lunch, me and my classmates completely transformed his room. We took black plastic and completely covered his room. (My dad is a high school history teacher by the way). So then I had brought in some pictures of him when he was in college and one of the teachers copied those pictures and put up a bulliten board in the school. Well I couldnt really pull this off for my mom. So we decided to throw her a surprise birthday party. I was away at college and could not really do much and it was hard to communicate with my dad. He always had to answer my questions with a yes or no because my mom was always around. So it came time for the weekend. We had invited everyone that we thought mom would love to have at her party. No one had really RSVP to us. So we were not really sure whether or not anyone was coming. So a tip for people out there reading this, make sure that you RSVP to your parties when asked. So it came to be saturday. My brothers only responsibility was to get my mom out of the house so we could get the food ready. Well he decided he couldnt come up with anything. So we told him to take her to the mall because he needed warmer clothes. Well my mom was acting like she didnt feel well, so my dad just wanted to tell her that she was having a party. I was furious!! We had taken all this time to keep it a secret and he wanted to blow it now!! I dont think so. I put my foot down and told him no way!! So she ended up going shopping and it worked out fine. So we got all the food ready and waited for people to show up. Thank goodness people showed up. She made her way back home. She was so excited. She knew something was up but she didnt know what. She was so surprised. She had an amazing time. I am so glad she was not mad. We thought that she was going to kill us since we threw her a party.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Friday Night

So I get done with class at 12. I get back to my room and start heading home. I get home around 1:30. I called my friend because we were planning to go watch Saw VI that night. So I call her and we planned on leaving at 3:30. So I take a nap and get ready to go. She does not show until 4:00. Then we ended up talking with my parents till 4:15. The movie was to start at 4:40 and it was a half hour drive to the movie theater. We also had to stop and pick up a gift certificate on the way. So we finally leave. We stop and get the gift certificate and it is like 4:30. We had 10 minutes to get to the movie theater. We get there and it is 4:45. We asked the people at the ticket booth if the movie had started yet or if it was just previews. So my friend went back and checked. To our luck the movie had already started. So the people were nice and sold us tickets for the 7:00 show so we got the cheaper price. So we had 2 hours to waste. We went to dinner and that only took an hour. Then we went to the dollar store and got candy for the movie and this lady kept on checking me out. She looked me up and down and then turned around. And she kept doing it. It was really creeping me out. So we finally get out of there and head to the car. There is this huge van parked like 2 spots away from us. There is no one parked between us. This old lady keeps looking at us and we were completely creeped out. So we leave there and we still have about 45 minutes. So what do we do, go to walmart. The worst place to go when you are bored. So we went and bought a scary movie to watch after we got home. I bought The last house on the left. It was really good by the way. So then we check out the 5 dollar bin. We probably stood there and looked through that for like 30 minutes. So we go buy the movies in the back of the store. Then I realize I needed to buy a birthday card for my mom. So we look at the singing birthday cards for like 15 minutes. So we had to check out and it was 7:00. The movie started at 7:20. So we head back to the movie theater and watch the movie. It was absolutely amazing, cant wait till Saw VII!! So then we go back to the house and watch the movie and I did not get to bed till 2. It was a crazy night!

Thursday: Bad Day All Together

Well Thursday was possibly the worst day of them all at college. I woke up at 11:00. I did not have class until 12:30, so I had no need to get up early. I woke up and realized that I had forgotten to read for class. So I looked to see how much I had to read and it was like 20 pages. I figured that I could get it done. So I finished the first story that we had to read. It was like 11:15. I then realized that I needed to revise my paper, which was a good thing I did because I had a bunch of mistakes. So I finished revising my paper and looked and it was 11:30. I still had to get ready for class and eat lunch. So I decided to not finish reading and just get ready and go to lunch. I finished getting ready and it was around 11:45. So I go to lunch and leave around 12:10 for class. There is this path behind on one the buildings that you can take instead of the stairs. I usually take the path because it is easier and takes me closer to my class than the stairs. Well it had been a little wet the past few days. So I had contemplated not taking the path, but of course I decide to anyway. I get about halfway up the path and I slip and fall. I get about 1/4 of the way back down the hill. I decide there is no sense and me going the rest of the way down the hill so I make it to the top and I look down and I am covered in mud. It was awful. So I make it to the building that class was in and I went to the bathroom because I had about 15 minutes before class started. So i tried to clean off my pants but it did not work and all the women in the building who work their decide to take their bathroom break at this point. So they all ask me if I am alright. I am completely embarrassed at this point. So I did the best I could of cleaning my pants. So I went to class with completely soaked pants. So I go through the day and I get to my next class. A girl wants to borrow my notes from this class. I tell her that I would just make a copy for her. She insists that she takes them and makes a copy herself. So stupid me I tell her that she can. So I tell her to meet me outside my hall at 8. So I give her my notes. So at 8 I go outside to wait for her. She never shows. I give her till 8:15 and I go back to my room and I see that she left me a note. I did not understand how she got in the building since you have to have a key to get into each residence hall. So I go down to the front desk and luckily she left it there. I wanted to kill her. So I am never going to lend out my notes again. So I go out for the night since it was Halloween week. I get back and forgot that I had put my clothes in the dryer. I went down stair and looked, they were all over the table. Someone took them out of the dryer and they were completely soaked. So all of the dryers were full and I had to bring them up to my room and hang them to dry. It took all weekend to get them dry because they were so wet. So yeah it was a bad day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bad Weekend

Bad Weekend
Well all last week I had been sick. I had to access to medication and I just kept getting worse. So I called my doctor. They did not know what to give me. I am allergic to a bunch of medications and cannot take a bunch of things. Then when I take medication, I never know what will happen. I could react to it or I could be absolutely fine. Last summer I had a really bad sinus infection. They gave me some medication. So I go home and take it before I go to bed. I can not get to sleep because my heart is racing. This medication caused my heart to go crazy. My parents called my doctor and he said to stop taking it and if I was not better by morning to bring me to the emergency room. Well of course I was not better and I was in the emergency room the next night. They sent me home and said that it was the medication. The next night I'm in another emergency room and they keep me most of the night waiting in a bed to tell me its just the medication. I waited it out and then by the middle of next week I was still not better and had to be put on a heart monitor for 24 hours. That did not show anything. So we just gave up. So anyway now that I am completely off topic, hahahaha, So I went home and they drugs that the doctor had prescribed me had stuff in it that I could not have. The pharmacist looked at it and suggested to my dad that I not take it and take something else and it seems to be working. The worst part of this whole situation was that my best friend was in from college and we were supposed to get together and see each other. I did not end up getting to see her the whole weekend. I spent my whole weekend on the coach and in the recliner. Wow what a fun weekend. I am back at school now, still not feeling the best but I did not have a choice. I had to come back and go to my classes. Thank goodness my birthday is this Thursday and then I get to go home this weekend and stay for 4 days since it is our fall break!! YES!!

Bad Choices in Girlfriends/Boyfriends

Bad Choices in Girlfriends/Boyfriends

Well this past week was not the best. My friend has been chasing this girl since last year. She is a complete ditz and she just does this to put on an act and make people look at her. My friend does not seem to realize this. She flirts with all other boys that are not her boyfriend. He is completely blind to this. I have told him this multiple times and other people have told him this too. So I tried to tell him this one last time this past week. I texted him and asked him why he liked her and he completely blew up on me. He went pysco. I tried to tell him that she was not the one and she was just using him. That she was going to go to college next year and completely forget about him and that it was not worth it. She was just going to break his heart. It is all so wrong that he even liked her in the beginning. I do not even understand why anyone in our school would like her. In my opinion she is not very pretty and why would you like someone who acts like a total ditz and is a 4.0 student? I do not understand. Boys, why? Anyway, so I said that I was not going to talk about it anymore and I just gave up on the subject. So I felt bad about the whole thing the next morning. So I tried to apologize to him about the whole situation. He texted back and totally did not get what I was saying. He was saying that I did not know her and all this stuff, when I did know her since I have been around her for the past 4 years and had to deal with her. I think I kind of know her. And I tried to apologize for like 10 text messages and he said that I did not apologize to him. So I gave up. So I get a text message from one of my friends that are friends with him. He asked me what happened and I told him. And he said that my other friend said that he would never talk to me again until I apologized to him and his girlfriend. This is what I have been trying to do all morning. I told my friend that I tried to tell him sorry, but he did not get it. All he could say was that he was really mad at me and did not know what I could do. So to this day, we have not talked.

I had this same situation with my best friend last year. She had been my best friend since 7th grade. then our sophomore year she started dating this kid at our school. He was a total jerk. They did not bring out the best in each other, they brought out the worst. I told her and told her that she needed to dump him, but she did not listen. We grew apart as we went through high school and we kind of became enemies when it came to our senior year. After graduation he went to play D1 basketball and left her behind. When he came back for his first visit, he dumped her and said they were done. She finally texted me this past weekend and said sorry for being a jerk and not listening to me. She threw her life away and instead of applying to college somewhere she ended up going to the community college and hating it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Home for the weekend

Well I made my way home for the weekend as I have done for all the weekends I have been here. (I know sad, but I have a lot of friends at home.) So this weekend at my hometown was homecoming weekend. It was absolutely craziness. Two of my best friends were on homecoming court and I was hoping that they would win. One of the two I have been talking to for the whole month seeing how preparations were going for the dance and how he was feeling about the big moment. There were also two other girls on homecoming court that I did not want to win at all and not even to get princess. The one is super annoying and very full of herself and just drives about anyone nuts. She tries to act all innocent and act like she is common sense retarded. It drives me absolutely insane!! Then the other girl is just a serious witch and thinks that the whole world revolves around her. Most of her friends that she had does not even like her anymore because she has changed so much. Anyway, so I finally get home and surprised my family because I told them that I was not coming home for the weekend. That was a fun time. So I get in the house and take a nap for a while and then I find out that I have to help take money for the game for the first like hour, so I had to hurry and get ready. Then I head to the game and take money for a while and then I am set free. My friend showed up and we went and watched the homecoming parade with all the class floats and the candidates and attendants for homecoming court. So we look at last years homecoming king and queen car coming around the corner. Last years king was not supposed to be there and the prince of last year was supposed to do the crowning. Well...... last years king decided to show up and not tell anyone. We were all in shock and didn't know what to do because last years prince (which is one of my best friends) was waiting down at the field. Well it was not a happy moment. Anyway so we run back down to the field to watch the crowning. Then we see our old physics professor and student council adviser. We asked him how things were going and he was like awful. So come to find out, the one girl who is all about herself decided she was not going to ride in the car that she was assigned to because it did not match her outfit. (to me that is ridiculous!!) So we were like wow that is bad. The crowning was about to begin. They announced the princess, it was one of the girls that I did not want to win, but at least she did not get queen. They announce prince, my friend ended up getting prince. I was mad beyond belief. I totally was shocked. Then they announced king, wasn't who I thought it was going to be. Then they announced queen, SHE WON!! I was so excited and so was she obviously. The even better part was watching the other girl not win, her face was priceless!! Then another boy that was super full of himself did not win either and it was fun watching his face also. I felt bad because one of my friends did not get king, but he was still happy with the outcome, so thats all that matters. So it turned out to be a semi good weekend and thats all for now!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

First few weeks at Muskingum University:

First few weeks at Muskingum University:

The first few weeks at Muskingum have been interesting. I have not really lived a sheltered life, but there have been some eye openers. The different types of people here are different. I am from a small town so we know anybody or everybody. When you come here there is no one here that knows you. You have to make new friends and start all over from where you were in high school.
The best way I have made friends is by going to CRU (Crusades for Christ). These people are just awesome to hang out with. Every time that I go to CRU, I feel at home and welcomed. It is just a fun environment to be in and fun to take part in. The people that I have met in CRU have become my friends and people I usually have lunch and dinner with everyday.
Another way that I have become involved in the school, is by going ot bible study on Wednesday nights. These girls are so fun to be with and make bible study fun. We are doing a study on friendship right now and it is amazing to look at the bible and some of the scriptures, then relate them to our friendships. I have learned things about my friendships that I have back home. I have realized that I should have never been so close with some of the people that I called my "friends". My best friend that I had was not really my best friend. All she really cared about was her boyfriend and she really made my life miserable. Now that I have been to this bible study I have realized that I should have stood up for myself and not put myself through that.
I have joined the TV staff at Muskingum. It is fun to be apart of, but I do not like having to go to practicum every Tuesday night. It is good to go and learn things, but I would not take it if I did not have to. It just makes my days even longer since I do not get out of class until 7:30-8:00 every Tuesday night. It just makes a really long day. I usually do not get done with class until 5 on Tuesday and Thursday anyway. Other than the practicum, the TV station seems like a fun place to be and a fun group to be apart of.
So far Muskingum seems like a good fit. I am just worried about these fun hills and the wonderful Ohio winters. I can just see my future now: Falling down the hill to my dorm heading to class because the sidewalk is super icy. Won't that just be a fun time?! Oh well, I will learn to adjust. Well until the next post...............

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Day of College

I started at Muskingum University on Friday, August 21st, 2009. Move in day was quite different. It was weird bringing all of my stuff from home to a room that I now had to share with someone that I did not even know. We had spoken before we had moved in, but you still do not even know what they like or dislike. They may become your worst enemy or your best friend. You never know what is going to happen with people you do not know, an you are moving in with this person. All you can do is hope for the best.
All the freshmen are moving in at once. Parents are carrying boxes and bags up the steps. The first years are filling out paper work and getting keys. Luckily the sororities helped the students move in to make things go faster. Trying to find a place to put everything is a challenge. You are used to having all this space to put everything, and you are now confined to this little space. You bought all of these storage things to put stuff in, but you still do not have enough room because you have to find a place to put all of the storage compartments. Once you find a place to put the storage compartments, you have to put everything away that you brought. You try and put all your clothes in one place that you will remember, but the problem is you brought too many clothes and can not fit them all. Hanging some of the clothes is an option, but you do not have enough hangers. You finally found a place for all the clothes, now to find a place for all the computer supplies, books, notebooks, and pens. The shelves seemed like a good place to put them. (After a few weeks, this becomes a mess.) Now to making the bed. You bought all this cool bedding to make your room look cool, but what you realize is you may have a cool looking bed but it is so uncomfortable to sleep in. Finally everything is put away and ready for move in.
Now for the hard part, saying good-bye to your parents. You have said this whole time, "I can not wait for college and to get away from home." Now you realize that you do not want to leave home. Maybe community college was a better choice. Am I ready for college? Your parents say its time to go. You look at them and say good-bye. Then the tears begin. Why did I go to college? Your parents pull out of the parking lot and there they go, your on your own.