Monday, November 16, 2009

Moms 50th Birthday

So my mom turned 50 this month. Her birthday was on the first of November. We were told if we did anything for her birthday we were dead. So of course we took on the challenge. When my dad turned 50 in March I was still in high school. I knew that I could get away with doing anything I wanted because I was a senior. So we had someone dress up in a gorilla suit and feed him a banana. Then we delivered 50 glasses of tea, 50 cupcakes, and 50 bags of candy to him through out the day. Then when he went out to lunch, me and my classmates completely transformed his room. We took black plastic and completely covered his room. (My dad is a high school history teacher by the way). So then I had brought in some pictures of him when he was in college and one of the teachers copied those pictures and put up a bulliten board in the school. Well I couldnt really pull this off for my mom. So we decided to throw her a surprise birthday party. I was away at college and could not really do much and it was hard to communicate with my dad. He always had to answer my questions with a yes or no because my mom was always around. So it came time for the weekend. We had invited everyone that we thought mom would love to have at her party. No one had really RSVP to us. So we were not really sure whether or not anyone was coming. So a tip for people out there reading this, make sure that you RSVP to your parties when asked. So it came to be saturday. My brothers only responsibility was to get my mom out of the house so we could get the food ready. Well he decided he couldnt come up with anything. So we told him to take her to the mall because he needed warmer clothes. Well my mom was acting like she didnt feel well, so my dad just wanted to tell her that she was having a party. I was furious!! We had taken all this time to keep it a secret and he wanted to blow it now!! I dont think so. I put my foot down and told him no way!! So she ended up going shopping and it worked out fine. So we got all the food ready and waited for people to show up. Thank goodness people showed up. She made her way back home. She was so excited. She knew something was up but she didnt know what. She was so surprised. She had an amazing time. I am so glad she was not mad. We thought that she was going to kill us since we threw her a party.

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