Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday: Bad Day All Together

Well Thursday was possibly the worst day of them all at college. I woke up at 11:00. I did not have class until 12:30, so I had no need to get up early. I woke up and realized that I had forgotten to read for class. So I looked to see how much I had to read and it was like 20 pages. I figured that I could get it done. So I finished the first story that we had to read. It was like 11:15. I then realized that I needed to revise my paper, which was a good thing I did because I had a bunch of mistakes. So I finished revising my paper and looked and it was 11:30. I still had to get ready for class and eat lunch. So I decided to not finish reading and just get ready and go to lunch. I finished getting ready and it was around 11:45. So I go to lunch and leave around 12:10 for class. There is this path behind on one the buildings that you can take instead of the stairs. I usually take the path because it is easier and takes me closer to my class than the stairs. Well it had been a little wet the past few days. So I had contemplated not taking the path, but of course I decide to anyway. I get about halfway up the path and I slip and fall. I get about 1/4 of the way back down the hill. I decide there is no sense and me going the rest of the way down the hill so I make it to the top and I look down and I am covered in mud. It was awful. So I make it to the building that class was in and I went to the bathroom because I had about 15 minutes before class started. So i tried to clean off my pants but it did not work and all the women in the building who work their decide to take their bathroom break at this point. So they all ask me if I am alright. I am completely embarrassed at this point. So I did the best I could of cleaning my pants. So I went to class with completely soaked pants. So I go through the day and I get to my next class. A girl wants to borrow my notes from this class. I tell her that I would just make a copy for her. She insists that she takes them and makes a copy herself. So stupid me I tell her that she can. So I tell her to meet me outside my hall at 8. So I give her my notes. So at 8 I go outside to wait for her. She never shows. I give her till 8:15 and I go back to my room and I see that she left me a note. I did not understand how she got in the building since you have to have a key to get into each residence hall. So I go down to the front desk and luckily she left it there. I wanted to kill her. So I am never going to lend out my notes again. So I go out for the night since it was Halloween week. I get back and forgot that I had put my clothes in the dryer. I went down stair and looked, they were all over the table. Someone took them out of the dryer and they were completely soaked. So all of the dryers were full and I had to bring them up to my room and hang them to dry. It took all weekend to get them dry because they were so wet. So yeah it was a bad day.

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