Monday, October 12, 2009

Bad Choices in Girlfriends/Boyfriends

Bad Choices in Girlfriends/Boyfriends

Well this past week was not the best. My friend has been chasing this girl since last year. She is a complete ditz and she just does this to put on an act and make people look at her. My friend does not seem to realize this. She flirts with all other boys that are not her boyfriend. He is completely blind to this. I have told him this multiple times and other people have told him this too. So I tried to tell him this one last time this past week. I texted him and asked him why he liked her and he completely blew up on me. He went pysco. I tried to tell him that she was not the one and she was just using him. That she was going to go to college next year and completely forget about him and that it was not worth it. She was just going to break his heart. It is all so wrong that he even liked her in the beginning. I do not even understand why anyone in our school would like her. In my opinion she is not very pretty and why would you like someone who acts like a total ditz and is a 4.0 student? I do not understand. Boys, why? Anyway, so I said that I was not going to talk about it anymore and I just gave up on the subject. So I felt bad about the whole thing the next morning. So I tried to apologize to him about the whole situation. He texted back and totally did not get what I was saying. He was saying that I did not know her and all this stuff, when I did know her since I have been around her for the past 4 years and had to deal with her. I think I kind of know her. And I tried to apologize for like 10 text messages and he said that I did not apologize to him. So I gave up. So I get a text message from one of my friends that are friends with him. He asked me what happened and I told him. And he said that my other friend said that he would never talk to me again until I apologized to him and his girlfriend. This is what I have been trying to do all morning. I told my friend that I tried to tell him sorry, but he did not get it. All he could say was that he was really mad at me and did not know what I could do. So to this day, we have not talked.

I had this same situation with my best friend last year. She had been my best friend since 7th grade. then our sophomore year she started dating this kid at our school. He was a total jerk. They did not bring out the best in each other, they brought out the worst. I told her and told her that she needed to dump him, but she did not listen. We grew apart as we went through high school and we kind of became enemies when it came to our senior year. After graduation he went to play D1 basketball and left her behind. When he came back for his first visit, he dumped her and said they were done. She finally texted me this past weekend and said sorry for being a jerk and not listening to me. She threw her life away and instead of applying to college somewhere she ended up going to the community college and hating it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there KSimms! Just wanted to thank you for stopping by at my blog and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it!

    I see you`re having a wonderful time at college! Why don't you send your friend a simple note saying I'm sorry and maybe attach a small chocolate or something nice. Don't know if that will work. Just an idea.

    Thanks again and have a lovely day!

