Monday, September 28, 2009

First few weeks at Muskingum University:

First few weeks at Muskingum University:

The first few weeks at Muskingum have been interesting. I have not really lived a sheltered life, but there have been some eye openers. The different types of people here are different. I am from a small town so we know anybody or everybody. When you come here there is no one here that knows you. You have to make new friends and start all over from where you were in high school.
The best way I have made friends is by going to CRU (Crusades for Christ). These people are just awesome to hang out with. Every time that I go to CRU, I feel at home and welcomed. It is just a fun environment to be in and fun to take part in. The people that I have met in CRU have become my friends and people I usually have lunch and dinner with everyday.
Another way that I have become involved in the school, is by going ot bible study on Wednesday nights. These girls are so fun to be with and make bible study fun. We are doing a study on friendship right now and it is amazing to look at the bible and some of the scriptures, then relate them to our friendships. I have learned things about my friendships that I have back home. I have realized that I should have never been so close with some of the people that I called my "friends". My best friend that I had was not really my best friend. All she really cared about was her boyfriend and she really made my life miserable. Now that I have been to this bible study I have realized that I should have stood up for myself and not put myself through that.
I have joined the TV staff at Muskingum. It is fun to be apart of, but I do not like having to go to practicum every Tuesday night. It is good to go and learn things, but I would not take it if I did not have to. It just makes my days even longer since I do not get out of class until 7:30-8:00 every Tuesday night. It just makes a really long day. I usually do not get done with class until 5 on Tuesday and Thursday anyway. Other than the practicum, the TV station seems like a fun place to be and a fun group to be apart of.
So far Muskingum seems like a good fit. I am just worried about these fun hills and the wonderful Ohio winters. I can just see my future now: Falling down the hill to my dorm heading to class because the sidewalk is super icy. Won't that just be a fun time?! Oh well, I will learn to adjust. Well until the next post...............

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