Monday, October 12, 2009

Bad Weekend

Bad Weekend
Well all last week I had been sick. I had to access to medication and I just kept getting worse. So I called my doctor. They did not know what to give me. I am allergic to a bunch of medications and cannot take a bunch of things. Then when I take medication, I never know what will happen. I could react to it or I could be absolutely fine. Last summer I had a really bad sinus infection. They gave me some medication. So I go home and take it before I go to bed. I can not get to sleep because my heart is racing. This medication caused my heart to go crazy. My parents called my doctor and he said to stop taking it and if I was not better by morning to bring me to the emergency room. Well of course I was not better and I was in the emergency room the next night. They sent me home and said that it was the medication. The next night I'm in another emergency room and they keep me most of the night waiting in a bed to tell me its just the medication. I waited it out and then by the middle of next week I was still not better and had to be put on a heart monitor for 24 hours. That did not show anything. So we just gave up. So anyway now that I am completely off topic, hahahaha, So I went home and they drugs that the doctor had prescribed me had stuff in it that I could not have. The pharmacist looked at it and suggested to my dad that I not take it and take something else and it seems to be working. The worst part of this whole situation was that my best friend was in from college and we were supposed to get together and see each other. I did not end up getting to see her the whole weekend. I spent my whole weekend on the coach and in the recliner. Wow what a fun weekend. I am back at school now, still not feeling the best but I did not have a choice. I had to come back and go to my classes. Thank goodness my birthday is this Thursday and then I get to go home this weekend and stay for 4 days since it is our fall break!! YES!!

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